of the Nigerian Mathematical Society2024-12-24T22:13:02+01:00Professor J. A. Oguntuasejnms@ojs.ictp.itOpen Journal Systems<p>Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (JNMS)</p> <p>JNMS provides a means of communication and exchange of ideas among workers in mathematical sciences (mathematics, mathematical physics, statistics, computer science), and offers an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public. By doing so the journal establishes an informal vehicle enabling the field of mathematical sciences to be understood in a broad sense. It will include theoretical and experimental results, and fundamental and practical research.<br /><br /></p> BOUNDEDNESS OF SOLUTIONS FOR A CERTAIN NONLINEAR THIRD ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION2024-06-10T09:12:26+01:00Daniel<p>Sufficient conditions are established for the ultimate boundedness of solutions for the third order nonlinear differential equation.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE CONNECTEDNESS OF TWO-STEP MARKOV CHAINS AND AN APPLICATION TO PATIENTS’ BEHAVIOUR AND COMPLIANCE WITH MEDICATIONS2024-09-10T13:52:02+01:00Titilola Obiladetobilade@yahoo.comAjiboye Babalolaboyebabalola@gmail.comSabastine Francissabasdekaa@yahoo.comSandra<p>This paper models tablet consumption from a jar containing single and double units using a two-urn Markov process framework. By solving system equations, it employs statistical measures such as the odds ratio and Cohen's (h) index to characterize variability in compliance among individual patients. The findings demonstrate that a patient's behavior significantly affects the risk of unintended underdose and overdose.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROPERTIES OF PICTURE FUZZY MULTIRELATIONS2024-03-11T07:47:21+01:00Taiwo<p>This paper investigates into the examination of picture fuzzy multirelations as an extension of picture fuzzy relations. We explore reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity of picture fuzzy multirelations over picture fuzzy multisets, and derive some associated properties.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPOSITE RELATIONS CHARACTERIZATION OF STAR-LIKE FINITE SEMIGROUPS2024-06-06T15:18:33+01:00Sulaiman Awwal<p>The study establishes new star-like classical finite semigroups, provides a cohesive explanation, appraises some combinatorial composite relations on $\alpha\omega_n^*$, and proves some combinatorial relations of star-like $P\omega_n^*$, $T\omega_n^*$, and $O^{cd}P\omega_n^*$ star-like-partial ordered connected transformation semigroups. Let $\alpha\omega_n^*$ be a star-like transformation semigroup with a star-like diskpoint $m^*$, diagonal difference operator $\nabla_{b_{(n, m^*)}}^*$, and vertical difference operator $\Delta_{(n, r^*)}^*$. The study shows that star-like sequences converge uniformly and are reducible if $|\nu^*(\alpha_{(i,j)}^*)| = F(n, \nu^*)$. Also, for a star-like diskpoint $m^*, $ $F(n, m^*) = (n-1)^{2} + (m+1)(n-2)$ and $|\Delta_{(n, r_3^*)}^*| = \lambda_{i}^{2*} + (n - 2) $ such that $|c^{+}(\alpha^*)| \leq |c^{-}(\alpha^*)|$. The new combinatorial composite relations were generated from the existing ones by composition of star-like mapping, which was applied to star-like $\alpha\omega_n^*$ finite semigroups with emphasis on combinatorial triangular arrays. </p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SEMI-TRANSPOSITIONS IN FINITE SEMIGROUP OF INJECTIVE ORDER-PRESERVING TRANSFORMATIONS2024-08-12T13:53:28+01:00Ibrahim Sagirsagiribrahim1000@gmail.comA. T. Idrisabdulazeezidris@gmail.comLawasi<p> Let $X_n$ be the finite totally ordered set $\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$, $\mathcal{IO}_n$ be the semigroup of all injective order-preserving transformation of $X_n$ and $\mathcal{IO}_{n,r}=\{\alpha\in \mathcal{IO}_n: |im(\alpha)|\leq r\}$ for $(1\leq r\leq n-1)$ be the ideals of injective order-preserving transformations on $X_n$. The semigroup $\mathcal{IO}_{n}$ on $X_n$ is an inverse semigroup and so cannot be generated by its idempotents. In a search for generating set for $\mathcal{IO}_n$ in this article, we identify a class of quasi-idempotents (i.e elements $\alpha$ in $\mathcal{IO}_{n}$ satisfying $\alpha\neq \alpha^2=\alpha^4.$) which we refer to as semi-transpositions and showed that the ideals $\mathcal{IO}_{n,r}$ are generated by semi-trnaspositions. The semi-transposition rank of $\mathcal{IO}_{n,r}$ (defined to be the minimum of such generating set) is obtained to be $2\binom{n}{r}-2.$</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 INEQUALITIES FOR SOME GENERALIZED INTEGRAL OPERATORS ON SIMPLY CONNECTED DOMAIN2024-07-12T22:51:50+01:00ISMAILA SESAN AMUSAshesmansecondclass@gmail.comADESANMI<p> We obtain the Bohr inequalities for some generalized integral operators of analytic function defined on simply connected domain. Our results are generalizations of some existing results in the literature.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF IMPLICIT NOOR ITERATIVE SEQUENCE TO THE FIXED POINT OF A GENERALIZED NON-EXPANSIVE MAPPING IN UNIFORMLY CONVEX SPACE2024-09-13T20:31:34+01:00Gbenga<p>We establish the convergence and stability of an implicit iterative sequence in approximating fixed points of a class of nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex Banach space and contractive mappings in Banach space. The result obtained is an extension of several others in the literature.</p>2024-12-24T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2024